Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Now at Lake Arrowhead in Wichita Falls, Texas for 3/21, 22 and 23. This is a different looking state park as most trees aren’t over 20 ft tall and without foliage. They are mesquite trees that look more like tall shrubs. There is a large lake for fishing but the wind has been blowing 10 to 15 miles per hour for 2 days.  There are only 4 or 5 campers in the area, it is like having our own State Park. We went into town and saw Wichita Falls which was manmade as the original falls ceased to exist long ago. Also found the Littlest Skyscraper built in 1919, which was a swindle as the designer showed town people plans, had them invest then built it to scale. Instead of the drawings being in feet it was in inchesJ. We found a neat diner that still had juke boxes on the tables, they were non-workingL.  The food was good and the place had plenty of people for lunch. Wichita Falls is also home of Sheppard Air Force. Please remember our son David in your prayers as he serves in Kuwait and Iraq.
I am having trouble adding pictures so please click on the link below
Click link below for pictures


1 comment:

  1. Tom and Suzanne

    I was in Wichita Falls at Sheppard back in the 70's. It was dead of winter then and dreary. No trees and cold. We were told to be careful downtown because airmen would get robbed etc. One of my buddies got assaulted on base too. Anyway, looks like all is going well and you are having a great time! Enjoying your blog! Chuck and Annette
