Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Going to Eielson Vistior Center in Denali National Park

We decided to take the 8 hour bus ride, 132 mile round trip into the park. You can only get there by hiking or bus, so you can understand why we took the bus. We left at 9:30 and it was a rainy, cold and  dreary day. But at least we were being chauffeured by Manuel. The bus was full and we loaded up and headed up 66 miles into the park. After 15 miles the road turns to gravel and with the rain it didn't take long for the windows on the bus to get dirty. But with every potty stop we got out and cleaned the windows. We saw several wolves, they stayed in the road and didn't care about the buses, caribou, dall sheep and a grizzly bear. Not bad for a rainy day! But the best was the SNOW!! We made the 66 mile trip to the Eielson Visitor Center and the snow started. It was a lot of snow and stayed on the ground and mountain side. It made Suzanne and I feel giddy and we went out and played and took pictures. It really made the trip worthwhile and fun for us Florida folks. Of course there was no seeing Mt. McKinley on a day like today. We got back to our truck around 6, what a great trip of seeing animals and SNOW.
This was a fun day and one we really enjoyed!!

Dall Sheep

Very heavy antlers!!

Had to wear my jacket, Very Cold!!

they like the road

Grizzly Bear (click to make bigger)

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