Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Mine State Historical Park

The 4th of July was a wonderful Day! The weather started out nice and we took a ride to Independence Mine State Historical Park. The drive to the park had several spots to pull over to look at the beautiful scenery. We got up to the park and found it nice to see alot of visitors. The old mining camp has been restored where things could be, while the other areas have been left untouched. The camp  in 1941 had 27 buildings and over 200 employees. The opening to the mine was 1000 feet up the mountain and had over 10 miles of tunnels inside. When the mine finally closed in 1951 it had produced 6 million dollars worth of gold in it's lifetime. We got to hike around the camp, see some neat things, and have a nice lunch before the rain started. Overall a very good 4th of July!!!

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