Friday, July 22, 2011

Grizzly Bear today:))) 07/22/2011

We decided to take our lunch and ride into the park. About 9 miles into the park and I see a Grizzly right next to the road. I was the first vehicle to spot it and once I stopped others did too. He was just off the road on the drivers side and was eating. We were about 30 ft away and he started to come right toward us and crossed the road right in front of the truck. He was now on Suzanne's side and raised himself for that great picture. His nails are really dangerous looking and could do lots of damage to a person. We think he raised up because a man was out of his car and he noticed him. Then he walked pretty quickly and disappeared into the woods. It was so neat to be that close to a grizzly. We really wanted to have that kind of sighting as it is what Alaska is all about. The beauty of the animals!
We traveled down the road and came upon a caribou just sitting on the rocks in a dried up creek. It is hard to believe the rack can weigh up to 40 lbs. Today was turning out to be the best day of our time in Alaska. We drove back by an hour later and the caribou was still there. I don't think he had moved.
What a great day!!
This is our last day at Denali as we move on to Fairbanks/North Pole tomorrow. Looking forward to having a Walmart handy:)

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