Monday, July 25, 2011

Fairbanks 07/24/2011

On the way to Fairbanks we stopped at  a pull-over and talked to a father and son who were traveling on 2 motorcycles. One being a 1947 Indian, they had driven up to Fairbanks from Seattle. They were having a great time!

We have been here 2 nights and have enjoyed our stay. We went to "Golden Days" downtown on Sunday hoping to see craft and food vendors but we were a day late. They did have a raft race and all rafts had to incorporate duct tape. There were lots of rafts and people downtown to watch the show.

Went over to one of the spots where you can actually see the Alaskan Pipeline. The pipeline goes North to South and is 800 miles long. It carries oil 24/7 and almost half of the pipeline is underground.

After lunch we decided to head to the North Pole. We all know who lives in the North Pole?  Santa Claus!!
The North Pole is about 12 miles out of Fairbanks and all the streets are named after some type of Santa Claus theme, ie:  Reindeer Lane, Santa Clause Road, etc... Santa wasn't there as he had other commitments. The town is different, that is all I can say other than I was surprised how many people lived there. I guess everyone wants to be close to Santa Claus.

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