Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mount Healy Overlook Trail on Thursday, 7/21/2011

Today we decided to take a nice hike up the Mount Healy Overlook Trail. This trail is rated strenuous. 4.5 miles long, and takes 3 to 4 hours to complete. The first mile has a 500 ft. elevation gain, with the second mile having a 1,200 ft. elevation gain. The trail, especially the last mile has numerous 25% grades, and they are very strenuous and steep. No need to pay for a stress test, just do this hike for free. We made it to the top in 2 hours, with some resting along the way. There were lots of people at the top and everyone was pleased to have made it. The elevation at the top is 3,425 ft. and gives spectacular views and we were lucky as the skies were clear and we could see Mt. McKinley. We had a peanut butter sandwich, some water for lunch and enjoyed the fantastic views. Suzanne was a little scared about going down, as some areas were very steep with loose gravel. But it took us an hour to get down without any problems other than our legs feeling like jelly. We have never been so glad to see our truck and get to the visitor center for some ice cream:) That was the longest hike we have done, and the most difficult. We will see how we feel tomorrow.

click to enlarge and see Mt. McKinley

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