Saturday, July 30, 2011

Going to Delta Junction

Time to move on from Fairbanks, so our next destination is Delta Junction about 90 miles south. The drive took us by Eielson Air Force Base where we saw 5 or 6 F15's landing. They land pretty close to the road and there are signs that say “ No stopping or taking pictures.” So we didn't stop even though I wanted to. We were pleasantly surprised to see a moose in a small pond along the road. Just so happened a place to get off the road was just ahead and we were able to get close and take some pictures. He looked at us and several others who stopped for a photo but didn't seem bothered at all and continued eating. Fun to see them in the wild!! On down the road you get another sighting of the Alaskan pipeline which are few and far between. Amazing as there is 800 miles of this pipeline and you only get a few places where most tourist get to see it. We got in around noon to Smiths Green Acres RV Park, unhooked and had the rest of the afternoon to catch up on laundry:))

There isn't much to see in Delta Junction but some huge mosquitoes and a sign saying this is the end of the Alaskan Highway at mile 1422. We are proud to say we have driven the entire 1422 miles :) and it is fun with lots to see. We spent 2 nights in Delta Junction and it was time to move on to Tok, AK.

Please keep David in your prayers as he has one more mission to Iraq before he gets back to Germany. God Bless the USA!!

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