Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our last 2 days in Fairbanks

We went on the Riverview Discovery that goes down the Chena River. This is a very relaxing cruise with some exciting happenings. First off you get to watch a bush pilot land and take off several times, then see a champion dog sled demonstration and then take a walking tour of an authentic Athabascan village. You also get to see some beautiful homes built along the river.  It really is a fun trip down the river and worth the time.

We went over to the Large Animal Research Staion managed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks to see a Musk-oken. This is a pretty neat looking animal that we had not seen before.  Female musk-oxen carry their calves during an eight-month pregnancy, but after birth there is little time to waste. The infants are able to keep up with their mothers and the rest of the herd within a few hours. nd Siberia. No other hoofed animal lives as far north as the musk-oxen. The musk-oxen can live in the harsh conditions of the arctic tundra because its 24" long hair and woolly undercoat ward off frost and provide insulation.

We also stopped by Pioneer Park where the Gold Rush Town  has numerous log cabins that date back to the 1900's.  They are now being used by different businesses that sell native Alaskan crafts. The Park also has a great play ground for kids and one of the best know restaurants in Fairbanks, the Alaskan Salmon Bake.
We are looking forward to moving on to Delta Junction about 100 miles south of here tomorrow.

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